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BOH Minutes 2-10-2009
Salem Board of Health
Minutes of Meeting
February 10, 2009

Date & Time: Tuesday February 10, 2009, 7:00pm
Meeting Location: 3rd floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Present: Chairperson Paulette Puleo, Martin Fair, Noreen Casey, Marc Salinas, Carol Rainville, Larissa Lucas, Barbara Poremba, Councillor Steve Pinto, Janet Mancini, Acting Health Agent, Tracy Giarla, Health Nurse

Paulette Puleo called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

  • Approval of Minutes
  • The minutes of December 9, 2008 were reviewed.
  • The minutes of January 22, 2009 were reviewed
  • The minutes of January 27, 2009 were reviewed.
A motion was made by Paulette Puleo to accept the minutes of December 9, 2008 with changes, January 22, 2009 with changes and January 27, 2009 as is, seconded by Carol Rainville and approved unanimously.

2. Public Health Nurse's Report
Tracy Giarla reviewed the January nurse's report.

3. New/Old Business

Review of Smoking Regulation
Joyce Redford of North Shore Tobacco Control reviewed Smoking Regulation #24.  Compliance checks showed compliance rates a little low for Salem. She feels that the recent influx of inexperienced youth has contributed to this lower rate. Currently, the penalty for non-compliance of selling tobacco to minors involves only monetary punishments.  She recommends adopting suspension language that other communities have been using: First violation $100; Second violation $200 and 7-day suspension; 3rd violation $300 and 30-day suspension.  She reviewed the packets and sections that she provided to Board members.  She said if they adopt the suspension language, they should consider if they want 24 months clean without violations. Joyce left the information with Board members and recommended they review and compare it to previous regulations.  She is willing to provide a whole new regulation written up with Salem’s language to them.

Also, for Regulation #22, section III definitions, H, new language is “Smoking or Smoke means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or tobacco product or possessing a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or tobacco product or non-tobacco product designed to be combusted and inhaled.”  There was some discussion on the permit fee, which is believed to currently be $10.  Joyce recommended changing it to $100.   There was some discussion on items such as blunt wraps, which drugstore and convenient stores sell.
Discussion of Candidates
 Board members discussed whether they could move forward and discuss and/or hire a health agent despite the budget cuts.  It was suggested that they at least discuss the interviewees and decide the best fit in numerical order.  Carol Rainville wondered if the Board were to hire a health agent, would they have to cut someone as well because of funding while Martin suggested sending the candidates a letter letting them know BOH isn’t in position to hire, other Board members felt they could at least discuss the interviews.  Paulette informed the Board that all Candidates are aware of the delayed hiring until 2/20/09 and she would update them on this matter if needed. Councilor Steve Pinto would like to speak with the city solicitor to find out about funds. There was concern that if the Board were to get an answer next week that they could use funds to hire, and then they’d have to call another meeting and may lose candidates because of the length of time.  Paulette Puleo suggested tabling the discussion until they reviewed the letter from the Mayor, seconded by Marc Salinas.  However, he restated his motion to “defer discussions regarding candidacy until next meeting” seconded by Barbara Poremba.  Board members agreed to postpone Marc’s motion until later in the meeting (after review of Mayor Driscoll’s letter).

Review of Letter from the Mayor
Janet Mancini read a letter from Mayor Driscoll regarding regionalization, received 2/10/09 at 5:30 pm.  Many Board members felt the letter was unclear as to whether they could move ahead with the hiring process. Carol Rainville feels the decision with hiring rests solely with the Board and added that the BOH’s main concern is the health of the city.   Paulette feels strongly in leadership & that there needs to be expertise so they need to move forward with the hiring process.

Janet Mancini met with Sharon from the Peabody Health Department; they reviewed some numbers but will have to get financial departments involved.  The Peabody BOD regular meeting is Feb. 26th, they are not calling a special meeting. Janet put together some information that they discussed for Board members to review. Martin Fair suggested we asked to get put on Peabody’s agenda for their next meeting.   Marc Salinas suggested that, in terms of a time period to discuss regionalization, the Board should decide whether to discuss the candidates. There are two separate issues: Should we hire and are we able to hire, some concerns about extending the time to hire, they are supposed to safeguard public health.  Paulette isn’t sure if prolonging the time will generate any more information regarding the budget or regionalizing of the two communities.  She added that having spoken with Geoff Wilkinson of DPH and Marcia Benes of MAHB, both involved in the Massachusetts Public Health Regionalization Project, that its intent was not for communities of our size and not to save money, but to improve public health services.

Councillor Sosnowski questioned whether unspent money is frozen and who determines the allocation of funds.  He suggested figuring out ‘do we need a health agent’ so that Councillors can determine what to fund and added they’re going to try to be fair across the board.  Janet Mancini said that all Health Department staff are performing multiple functions to maintain it. It was suggested that the Board interview Sharon from Peabody for the position if they regionalize.  

Attorney Moriarty noted that the Mayor had previously acknowledged that hiring and firing for the Health Agent position is through the Board, and also, that positions that are frozen are those that the mayor can hire and fire, so the Board should be able to hire for the Health agent position.  He suggested the Board investigate moving ahead and commended the current Health Department staff.  Carol Rainville suggested if they regionalize, the health agent would most likely ask for twice as much money, need assistance, we’ll have to pay rent, utilities, etc. so there wouldn’t be a cost saving.  She continued saying it was felt that the inaction of Peabody’s BOH by not setting up a special meeting for reviewing regionalization says something of itself. It sends a strong message.  
 Councillor Paul Prevey said he spoke with the Mayor and she wants people to know she’s looking at this from a fiscal standpoint. He feels it’s important that when considering regionalizing, the Board considers services and like programs.

Marc Salinas made a motion to defer discussion of qualifications of candidates.  Those in favor of deferring, 3 (Marc, Martin, Barbara) those opposed 4 (Paulette, Larisa, Carol, Noreen). Larisa moved that the discussion be limited to 30 minutes.

Martin Fair left the meeting.

Discussion of Interviews
Board members discussed candidates who were interviewed for the Health Agent position at  a previous meeting .

Marc Salinas suggested putting on next meeting’s agenda to vote on candidates. Councilor Sosnowski suggested going into executive session when it comes to hiring.  

Marc Salinas moved that we extend any decision (with regards to pursuing regionalization) at a minimum to the meeting of March 10th, seconded by Barbara Poremba.
Approved unanimously.

All were in favor of re-appointing Janet Mancini as Acting Health Agent   

All were in favor of re-appointing Heather Lyons as Clerk of the Board.

Noreen Casey nominated Paulette Puleo to continue as Chairperson and Barbara Poremba nominated Marc Salinas for Chairperson.   

Paulette advocated for a Vice Chair in the event that the Chair cannot make a meeting. Some questioned whether she could make this change with just a motion, Councillor Paul Prevey said you have the ability to change and make a vice chair with a motion and that several other Boards have vice chairs.  

Carol Rainville made a motion to add position of Vice Chairperson, seconded by Barbara Poremba, all were in favor.  

Vote taken for Paulette Puleo for Chairperson, 3 in favor, 2 against.  

Vote taken for Marc Salinas for Chairperson, 2 in favor, 3 against.

Carol Rainville nominated Marc Salinas as Vice Chair, approved unanimously.

Paulette Puleo, Chairperson, Marc Salinas, Vice Chairperson.

Motion was made by Carol Rainville to adjourn, seconded by Barbara Poremba, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned 10:02 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Dupuis